Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3rd, 2011 Goodbye Synthia!

We just said our "goodbyes" to Synthia. Tomorrow morning she is flying to Jerusalem with a group of 100 BYU students for a semester. I'm really going to miss her. I love the spirit she brings along with her wherever she goes. She'll be back in April and we can call and e-mail anytime, which is much better than when she was in Uruguay on her mission.

Our children are born and immediately we begin the process of helping them to fly out and away from the nest. It's a good thing though. I wouldn't want it any other way. (It's still hard!) :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh I'm so glad and so sad for her and you! There'll be a hole where she was for a little while. Love to you all - thinking of you. Can't wait to see you. Bye Synth!!! Love you.
