Friday, June 29, 2012

Update: Counting my Blessings

It's too easy to get caught up in the tough stuff of life.  Right now we have been dealing with a variety of things that are a bit tough.  Shay has been having frequent, daily, fainting episodes???? She fainted at girls' camp, at home the next day, in the aisle of the chapel on Sunday, then off the ER we went.  They found nothing conclusive, except that she is healthy.  YEAH!  Then she fainted Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  So off to the cardiologist we went.  They said there is a condition called Orthostatic Intolerance that is not that uncommon in teens, when the body is growing faster than the nervous system can catch up to.... or something like that.  Ha Ha.  (Medical Jargon - Geez!)  Anyway, yesterday she didn't faint.  Was lightheaded, but didn't faint!  YES!!!

Then Sam twisted his ankle during wrestling camp.  DANG!  It is swollen, black and blue.... all that good stuff.  He has an appointment this morning at 9am to have it checked out to see if it is broken, sprained, or what?

I have had a very intense grad class that is squishing a semester of work into a week, called Literacy in the Early Years.  It's the very best course I have ever taken in all my years going to school, professional development classes, etc... for teachers.  This professor is world renowned and I have learned so much and am so grateful for this opportunity.

So here come some thoughts.  I can focus on the negative, scary stuff or on the things I'm blessed to have.  It's my choice what I think about.  It's my choice what I do with each day.  I get to steer my own ship.  In the classroom where I have been sitting all week there is a quote by Dr. Suess that I love:

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”
― Dr. SeussOh, the Places You'll Go!
Today I'm going to steer my ship through hope filled waters as I count all my blessings!

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