Anyone that knows me at all, knows that I hate to do housework. I was raised outside of this country and had maids that cleaned my home. I lived with my family in Chile and Mexico and my parents traveled so it worked out perfectly for our housekeeper to live with us. After that I lived and BYU and was a slob, then got married. (Poor Sharman.) I tried, but then we bought over 100 apts. and when the renters were moving, I had to clean them, which heightened my dislike for cleaning. (and I mean really heightened it, like to the sun and back. I hate cleaning of any kind, floors, walls, bathrooms, carpets, doing laundry, making beds, washing dishes, especially washing dishes, it's gross, and wiping up messes. I hate cleaning out pantries and refrigerators and cupboards. I disdain spending any time on these things because they make my hands smell gross and I feel yuck while my hands are in dirty water, not to mention it all just gets dirty again in 5 minutes and then you have to do it all over again. Sooooooo, I am writing this blog in order to avoid housecleaning. At least I bought myself 5 minutes of guilt free time. Now I'm off to make my bed, because messes drive me crazy, due to the fact that I was raised in a spotless house. Hmmm, am I conflicted???? or what?
He he!! Yes WE are! Keep writing...:)