Sunday, January 30, 2011

Synthia's home from Egypt and is safe - Hooray!

So during all of the strife and chaos that was going on in Egypt, Synthia was over there. She is finally home, in Jerusalem and safe. She told us that so many people from BYU, the church, etc... had called to make sure they were safe.  They had a security escort to get them out of the country, but she never felt unsafe.  I'm just greatful they made it back okay!   Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go to her blog to get an update!  It's really inspiring and she just added a whole bunch of pictures.

The week has been long and hard, with the passing of little Bennett. It's also been filled with peace and a firm testimony of the Plan of Salvation. Mary and Baden have been soooo helpful and it has been such a joy to be with them, but they went home yesterday, and I wish they lived closer. I'll miss them all so much.

Sophie "Bophie... Bophus" is about as squishy and cuddly and as nuzzly as a baby can be!  She never made a peep the whole time she was here, unless she was STARVING, but that was almost NEVER.  What an angel baby she is.  Mary was alot like her... just calm and happy! 
Sophie likes to stick out her tongue like Eliza did.  It's a Fox family trait!  Too cute!
This picture is of Mary and Eliza watching the balloons rise into the air after we wrote special love notes to Bennett. There were over 16 bald eagle flying overhead. It was beautiful!

Here's Will, showing off his muscles!

Stan after a hard day of work, came over to get loves from the girls!

Eliza with Grandpa and Great Grandma and Grandpa Smoot!

One more pic, this was so touching... how I love Stana, Mom and the family!
Adding flowers to Bennett's casket.

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