Thursday, January 26, 2012

So Natalie and I have been walking each morning for about 45 minutes at the Rec. Center in Bountiful.  Today on our walk, I told her that I wanted to do a "Year in Review" book for 2011, but honestly couldn't find anything, other than Synthia and Matt's wedding, that I was happy about.  (She promptly reminded me that she and Kent moved into town last January.)  OOPS! :)  Anyway, this has prompted me to "put down in words" a bit about each day.  My goal is one sentence - kind of like a Tweet, Nat said. I'm thinking that if I actually do this, there will be plenty of things to include in my 2012 "Year in Review" book.  Yes, 2011 was a hard!  I won't elaborate, because my goal is to think more about the good stuff, rather than the hard stuff.  I can learn from the "hard stuff" and move on.  Unfortunately, some of the "hard stuff" doesn't know when it has worn out it's welcome, if you know what I mean. So, I'm learning more about setting boundaries, about forgiveness, about tolerance for "prickly people" and for my own weaknesses.  I'm learning more about gratitude.  It's a well kept secret that a person can't feel gratitude and remain in a rotten mood for long.

Sooo... today I'm grateful for this insight. 

I'm also grateful for the past two weeks.  Sharm's father passed away on Sunday, January 16th.  How I love and admire him.  I'll miss having him near, when we gather as a family.  I'll miss his wisdom.  I'll miss his never-ending sense of gratitude.  I love you Dad!

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