Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Heart DAY!!!

Just wanted to say:  "I love you all!" XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO  Spent the evening with the Bradford family... Mom, Dad, Sharm, the kids, Amy and Dan and kids and Nat and Chris and Mark, who are in town.  After dinner at Natalie's house, which was delicious by the way...... (Beef Strogonoff, yum).... Chris, Mark, Nat and I just talked.  It was so fun to be together with them and just talk.  I love them!  We wished Sarah and Marcia could have been with us!  Mom and Dad went to bed early.  Dad isn't feeling well.

We have an educational meeting today with a health manager (or a social worker???) about helping Mom with her alzheimers.  I'm kind of anxious, kind of wondering what we'll hear.... I think all the family is wondering what the unknown will look like!  (Hoping the road will be an easy one for all involved.)  But I know easy roads are NOT always in the plan for our lives, soooooooooo we'll all be learning something.  Maybe this will give me that chance I was talking about to take "The Road Not Traveled" before.  I think we'll all get the chance to be a bit more courageous, a bit more giving, and I will be a lot more prayerful.

Thanks friends and family for all you do to make my life and my families' lives amazing!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Mom. That beef stroganof WAS good! Nat, if you have anymore our house is always open;)
    That was lovely mom. Love you!
