Sunday, March 6, 2011

Happy Spring!

Even though it is gray and super cloudy and cold and it is supposed to snow and all that kind of stuff,  I'm just super happy that it's Spring!   YEAH!  (Well, officially it's not, but it is MARCH!)

Thursday was my bug interview for a teaching position at the school where I currently teach Spanish.  I'm hoping to teach half day in any grade between K and 3rd grade. Right now there is a 3rd grade job opening.  I thought that it would just be an interview with the principal, but I sat in front of a committee of teachers and a parent and the principal and answered questions for over an hour.  I'm glad I didn't know it would be this way before I went, because I would have been lots more nervous.  I find out at the end of March if I get the job, so cross your fingers, say a prayer for me and whatever is supposed to happen, will happen.  That much I do know!

I love this snippit from the book "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff".

    "The emotional climate you live in begins with you - as mine does for me.  If you are agitated, nervous, frantic, and frustrated, it's unrealistic to expect that the other people in your home are going to thrive.  Instead, they will likely be walking on eggshells trying not to upset you.  Any negativity you harbor will affect, to some degree, the others in your home, (not to mention the effects on yourself.)  This does't mean that it's your fault if your home is less than peaceful, only that in most instances, if you wait for others to set the example you'd like to see, you're going to have a very long wait!
     However, when you are calm, patient, and loving, you bring out the best in those around you.  By being an example of peace, you open the door for others to be more patient, accepting and gracious.  Rather than being upset by the ups and downs of daily living, you crate an environment in which it's okay to go with the flow.  And the calmer you become, the easier it is to make the necessary adjustments to the complications and challenges of daily living.  By being peaceful, you eliminate many of the mental distractions that interfere with your wisdom and common sense, thus making it easier to see solutions instead of problems.
     Sooo, instead of waiting for others to step forward and blaming them for the chaos in your home, make the decision to have peace as your top priority -- decide it's a goal worth striving toward."

Isn't March the month of PEACE, the lamb and the lion hanging out togethe.  So this is my goal for the month of March - be a PEACEMAKER!  I'll let you know how it goes.

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